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Our Specialty ...

It's Never Too Early to Get Us Involved

Need help reading lab reports?

Want options for treating or coating a problem concrete slab?

Need technical analysis on a concrete coating failure?

Want to know what concrete admixtures in the mix design may cause coating issues?

We're Called When

  • The concrete substrate does NOT meet the minimum technical requirements of the specified roofing, flooring, or waterproofing product.

  • A project needs specialized technical guidance in assessing the concrete substrate before finalizing the design or initiating the installation.

  • A project has failed and the construction team needs to know WHY.
Favicon Logo for ACTECH Concrete Primers for Flat Roof Coatings, Commercial & Industrial Flooring, and Waterproofing of Balconies, Plaza Decks, and Parking Garages


Our goal is to make sure all partners are satisfied and successful. We're a small team where everyone always pitches in to help the customer out, deal with emergencies, and solve glitches.

Favicon Logo for ACTECH Concrete Primers for Flat Roof Coatings, Commercial & Industrial Flooring, and Waterproofing of Balconies, Plaza Decks, and Parking Garages


Our high performing resins and application protocols help you achieve compliance with Construction Industry Standards (ASTM, ACI, ICRI, AAMP, SCAQMD, ISO, LEED).

Favicon Logo for ACTECH Concrete Primers for Flat Roof Coatings, Commercial & Industrial Flooring, and Waterproofing of Balconies, Plaza Decks, and Parking Garages

Crew First

TRUTH. If Craftsmen are not satisfied with the ease and consistency of application -- or attention to their health and well-being -- workmanship will suffer. The crew is always first in our book. And we hope we are in theirs.

Favicon Logo for ACTECH Concrete Primers for Flat Roof Coatings, Commercial & Industrial Flooring, and Waterproofing of Balconies, Plaza Decks, and Parking Garages


Datasheets and application guides are one thing. Getting everyone on the same page is quite another. Our process of planning sessions, checklists, and on-site video calls are some of the ways we try to technically support contractors AFTER our material has been purchased.

Newly placed concrete contains more moisture than seamless flooring products can tolerate. For new industrial construction projects that cannot wait 1-4 months for the concrete to dry, use an ASTM F3010 Moisture Mitigation Primer like ACTECH 2170FC.

We Partner With

  • Premium Building Product Manufacturers when they need a robust concrete primer to go under their product for a problem concrete slab.

  • Specialty Contractors when they need additional technical and warranty support.

  • Building Owners (and their representatives) for a "Cannot Afford to Fail" project.

Our Standard is to Follow Standards

ISO 9001-15 Standards Logo

ISO 9001:15

Certified under ISO 9001:15 to ensure product quality and consistency in product manufacturing.

ASTM Standards

Products engineered to exceed ASTM Standards for Moisture and pH Mitigation and surface bonding.

ISO - IEC 17025

ISO 17025 certified material testing laboratories verify ACTECH products comply with ASTM Standards.

ZERO VOC Emissions

SCAQMD Compliant

ZERO VOC Certificates on all ACTECH products means we meet Air Quality Standards in all 50 States.

Expert's Choice. 2015

Most Innovative Product, World of Concrete, ACTECH 2170FC Moisture Mitigation on Green Concrete.

It takes More Than a Can of Juice to Make an Installation Successful.

It takes More Than a Can of Juice to Make an Installation Successful.