Specialty Epoxy Resins. Specialized Tech Support
ACTECH is a Specialty Building Product Manufacturer.
We specialize in helping projects to prepare concrete substrates that would otherwise be unacceptable for flooring, roofing, or traffic coating applications.
We don't just manufacture specialty epoxy primers and coatings.
We help project owners and specialty contractors figure out the best ways to handle a problem concrete substrate.
4 Ways We Can Help

Self-Priming Seamless Floors
Our Standard is to Follow Standards

Expert's Choice. 2015
Most Innovative Product, World of Concrete, ACTECH 2170FC Moisture Mitigation on Green Concrete.

System Design
It's Never Too Early to Get Technical Inputs on your important projects.

On Site Support
We're standing with you by video call whenever you need us.

Transparent Prices
We'll send you our most recent price sheets so you can decide how to order.

Fast Shipping
Orders Received by 2pm ET Ship Same Day (subject to material availability).

Lean Construction
Include us in your Team Huddles for new solutions and seamless execution.

Private Label
Offer Specialty Primers (and technical support) Under Your Own Products.

Joint Specification
Specify our Specialty Primers Under Your Products on Difficult Slabs.

Design Build
Use our technical and supply teams to meet schedule, budget, and performance.
General Questions